Carmen Orte Socias BSc in Psychology and PhD in Educational Sciences at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Director of the Official University Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention in Childhood, Adolescence and Family (MIS2). Director of the Master's Degree in Addictions (EUPC-UTC). Principal Investigator of the Educational and Social Research and Training Group (GIFES). Director of the Family Research Laboratory LIFAC. Research leader of the evidence-based Family Competence Program (PCF), since 2004.
Research fields: affective-sexual education, family prevention of drugs and behavior problems and training of university youth leaders in drug prevention.
The main competitive research projects of the last twenty years are grouped around the Family Competence Program, a pioneering program in Spain based on scientific evidence for family drug prevention.
She has also participated in the European project UPC-Adapt (Universal Prevention Curriculum-Adapt), for the standardization of a European drug prevention curriculum for professionals in the European Union.