Beryl Achieng Ogutu


Newdawn Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre.

Clinical supervisor

Beryl Achieng Ogutu is a dedicated and experienced International Certified Addiction Professional with over 14 years experience in inpatient rehabilitation treatment. Her passion lies in helping individuals who suffer from substance use disorders, particularly women, as she views them as a special needs group that requires specific attention.

Beyond her work in the field of addiction, Beryl is an Associate Pastor at World Reconciliation Ministries. This role has provided her with a unique platform to educate society about the intersection of religion and spirituality in relation to individuals struggling with addiction. She firmly believes in the power of faith to facilitate healing and recovery.

She an active member of Women In Mental Health Intervention And Treatment (WMHIT) a group focused on advocating for, and supporting women who face mental health challenges, thus combating the stigma they often face.